Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @cabral_cade
10 total responses found since May 24, 2020
Here we meet "Floris" your everyday house plant! Hope you enjoy! #tdc3088 #ds106 @ds106dc @eng304cripps pic.twitter.com/ZDPEcVznX8
— Cade (@cabral_cade) June 27, 2020
This is a little more personal but I don't mind sharing for #ds106 I tried to utilize the flower theme as best I could - Perhaps add some thorny quip of some sort next time - Hope you enjoy the poem! #tdc3087 @eng304cripps @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/bY8V3KyXOu
— Cade (@cabral_cade) June 26, 2020
If my favorite food could be in paste form I would like to have some Necco paste! Although after thinking about this idea it's definitely just sugary toothpaste. #tdc3084 #ds106 @eng304cripps @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/CEI5tLXpgA
— Cade (@cabral_cade) June 22, 2020
Ready for another Daily Create! My favorite time of day would be right around Dusk, when the Sun has just about set. This is the best time to get photos and enjoy a spectacular view! @ds106dc @eng304cripps #tdc3078 #ds106 #dusk pic.twitter.com/uvLX4cFbfK
— Cade (@cabral_cade) June 16, 2020
Hey guys! This is my dog "Winter Bear." He is a Bernese Mountain Dog and one of the biggest goofballs I know. In this photo I think Winter would be saying, "When will I get to walk on two legs?" @ds106dc @eng304cripps #tdc3077 #ds106 pic.twitter.com/NxCBpU238j
— Cade (@cabral_cade) June 16, 2020
@eng304cripps @ds106dc Tackled another Daily Create as I enjoyed the prompt of "colorizing" birds. This is actually a Muscovy duck that I took a picture of while in Mexico! Decided to accent w/ red as the bill is prominently the same color. Check it out! #tdc3069 #ds106 pic.twitter.com/b6wCAtSMrJ
— Cade (@cabral_cade) June 8, 2020
@eng304cripps @ds106dc With today's daily create, I thought to share the most famous supernatural biking incident in history. GIF I made from a Youtube video featuring the "E.T." movie - Link to original can be found here; https://t.co/6sehnHlNWL #tdc3068 #ds106 #ET pic.twitter.com/aFlCBeDa5R
— Cade (@cabral_cade) June 7, 2020
I’ve recieved a call for literature and decided to post one of my favorite poems! This is one by C.S. Lewis that I decided to try and construct myself #ds106 #tdc3063 @eng304cripps @ds106dc #poetry pic.twitter.com/vSKGluTqs2
— Cade (@cabral_cade) June 2, 2020
Did a fun project today and made a postcard for my hometown! Very stylish~ Shout out to the Town Office! #tdc3059 @eng304cripps @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/ylMSgXdhqP
— Cade (@cabral_cade) May 28, 2020