Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @arielleRbonnell
10 total responses found since August 31, 2017
I have so many favorite books...this is a pictogram of my favorite today. Can you guess it?@ds106dc #tdc2137 #inte5340 pic.twitter.com/cB4FbK2ghV
— Arielle Bonnell (@arielleRbonnell) November 16, 2017
@ds106dc #tdc2130 #inte5340 pic.twitter.com/wXWPKbtY4d
— Arielle Bonnell (@arielleRbonnell) November 8, 2017
I have heard this all too often lol...#tdc2068 #inte5340 pic.twitter.com/e2Nm3cQpEW
— Arielle Bonnell (@arielleRbonnell) September 13, 2017
An old friend revisted...#tdc2071 #inte5340 pic.twitter.com/7um4LHqZXD
— Arielle Bonnell (@arielleRbonnell) September 13, 2017
A party for the mouth!
— Arielle Bonnell (@arielleRbonnell) September 6, 2017
file:///C:/Users/Arielle/Documents/INTE5340/DS106%20Daily%20Creates/floccinaucinihilification.wav#tdc2066 #inte5340
This is a picture I took of the beach where families walk and play, just a five minute walk from my apartment in China.
— Arielle Bonnell (@arielleRbonnell) September 6, 2017
#tdc2067 #inte5340 pic.twitter.com/lMf0fAj2Tu
#tdc2061 #inte5340
— Arielle Bonnell (@arielleRbonnell) August 31, 2017
Lol..can you tell it was lunch time...what emotion are you thinking??? pic.twitter.com/e4f0xpdV6d