Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @absmarble
12 total responses found since June 28, 2019
#tdc2746 #ds106 My ideal holiday vacation is the beach. Anything beach related. pic.twitter.com/LlZm3LtC6e
— absmarble (@absmarble) July 21, 2019
#tdc2747 #ds106 I’m apart of more of the social media aspect community including twitter, instagram, facebook and snapchat
— absmarble (@absmarble) July 21, 2019
#tdc2730 #ds106 I consider this my collection because I keep the most random pens I find anywhere and they have built up throughout the past year. Not pictured is currently my most expensive pen I own that’s $50 that I found on the sidewalk, made by Swarovski. pic.twitter.com/1gae9IoGuv
— absmarble (@absmarble) July 7, 2019
#tdc2733 #ds106 Definitely not my taste of music and was not worth the listen. pic.twitter.com/dolpknOaCj
— absmarble (@absmarble) July 7, 2019
#tdc2734 #ds106 This is a photo of an ipad mini 2 that I created to turn into the old. pic.twitter.com/yXOHJy8Gpl
— absmarble (@absmarble) July 7, 2019
#tdc2726 #ds106 Different flow of stickers pic.twitter.com/yFvyK86DD9
— absmarble (@absmarble) July 1, 2019
#tdc2725 #ds106 A flocka of bees pic.twitter.com/TCjnwlyRlc
— absmarble (@absmarble) June 28, 2019