#tdc3990 #ds106 “When in doubt, let your horse figure it out” Illustrate Old West Wisdom This Daily Create published December 16th, 2022 has 4 responses and 510 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3989 #ds106 Snowflake Art This Daily Create published December 15th, 2022 --shared by @dogtrax-- has 8 responses and 1077 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3984 #ds106 Monochromatic Still Life This Daily Create published December 10th, 2022 has 5 responses and 450 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3981 #ds106 Ikebana This Daily Create published December 7th, 2022 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 7 responses and 1205 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3980 #ds106 It was THIS big This Daily Create published December 6th, 2022 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 7 responses and 1091 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3979 #ds106 Where is your happy place? This Daily Create published December 5th, 2022 --shared by @kfasimpaur-- has 6 responses and 842 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3978 #ds106 #ds106 Reservoir Logs This Daily Create published December 4th, 2022 has 5 responses and 526 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3976 #ds106 #ds106 Object Tessellation This Daily Create published December 2nd, 2022 --shared by @GrassPelt_-- has 6 responses and 570 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3975 #ds106 #ds106 Draw a colourful landscape This Daily Create published December 1st, 2022 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 6 responses and 1055 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3974 #ds106 Colour this map This Daily Create published November 30th, 2022 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 6 responses and 716 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3972 #ds106 Add Some More Cheerful Passengers to the Swiss Mountain Aviators This Daily Create published November 28th, 2022 --shared by @cogdog-- has 7 responses and 901 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3970 #ds106 Back to the Daily Shoot: A Photo That Goes With a Book This Daily Create published November 26th, 2022 --shared by @cogdog-- has 4 responses and 701 views Respond to This Daily Create