#tdc1474 Make a tweet of western kindness for someone you don’t know. This Daily Create published January 21st, 2016 --shared by @kfasimpaur-- has 31 responses and 2291 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1473 Wildly Paint a Cow This Daily Create published January 20th, 2016 --shared by @annycow-- has 26 responses and 5943 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1472 Never approach a … This Daily Create published January 19th, 2016 --shared by @Ronald_2008-- has 30 responses and 2841 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1471 Write a #ds106-themed verse of the classic “Home on the Range” This Daily Create published January 18th, 2016 --shared by @iamTalkyTina-- has 13 responses and 3443 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1470 What’s your Cowboy/Cowgirl name? Tell us in a visual or audio introduction This Daily Create published January 17th, 2016 --shared by @konarheim-- has 23 responses and 2516 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1469 Take a picture of something ordinary you thought is super beautiful This Daily Create published January 16th, 2016 --shared by @mmelliott3909-- has 26 responses and 2910 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1468 Life is a wheel; make that picture. This Daily Create published January 15th, 2016 --shared by @kfasimpaur-- has 17 responses and 2978 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1467 Even Cowgirls Get the Memes This Daily Create published January 14th, 2016 has 14 responses and 7744 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1466 Show Us Some Western Footwear This Daily Create published January 13th, 2016 has 20 responses and 2329 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1465 6 Hashtag Short Memoir This Daily Create published January 12th, 2016 --shared by @yojimbles-- has 10 responses and 2361 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1464 Staying hydrated out on the range is important. Take a photo of your favorite watering hole. This Daily Create published January 11th, 2016 --shared by @iamTalkyTina-- has 20 responses and 4624 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1463 Make a still life with red items This Daily Create published January 10th, 2016 --shared by @annycow-- has 20 responses and 2753 views Respond to This Daily Create