#tdc1711 What’s Her Soundtrack? This Daily Create published September 14th, 2016 --shared by @dogtrax-- has 27 responses and 3201 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1710 The ocean at the end of your backyard… This Daily Create published September 13th, 2016 --shared by @annycow-- has 8 responses and 3210 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1709 A Dozen of Anything EXCEPT Eggs This Daily Create published September 12th, 2016 has 45 responses and 3566 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1708 On this day (again), whisper a message of hope by candlelight (or flashlight) This Daily Create published September 11th, 2016 has 12 responses and 2593 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1707 Draw an innovative sandwich worth patenting This Daily Create published September 10th, 2016 has 8 responses and 4818 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1706 An interesting, beautiful… door knob This Daily Create published September 9th, 2016 has 28 responses and 2707 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1705 Write an acrostic poem This Daily Create published September 8th, 2016 --shared by @sandramardene-- has 31 responses and 2394 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1704 .com (yawn) Imagine a new Top Level Domain that would give you an ideal domaon This Daily Create published September 7th, 2016 has 36 responses and 7062 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1703 Are you the greater-self or lesser-self today? This Daily Create published September 6th, 2016 --shared by @cafe82-- has 18 responses and 2399 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1702 The Longest word in French is “intergouvernementalisation”. Design a longer word in any language. This Daily Create published September 5th, 2016 --shared by @boylebou12-- has 16 responses and 4514 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1701 Hashtags Collide: Digital Storytelling 106 Meets @DimensionSelection Episode 106 This Daily Create published September 4th, 2016 has 5 responses and 1946 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc1700 Write a cinquain. This Daily Create published September 3rd, 2016 --shared by @sandramardene-- has 10 responses and 1928 views Respond to This Daily Create