March 14th is Pi day. Make us a pie, of any type.
Happy Pi flickr photo by cogdogblog shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4809
March 14th is Pi day. Make us a pie, of any type.
Happy Pi flickr photo by cogdogblog shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4809
Sarah Honeychurch
@creating #tdc4809 My response for today's #ds106 #DailyCreate This is a Pi R Square pattern in Shetland Lace.
@creating #tdc4809 one of my favorite traditions on thanksgiving is making my grandma's apple pie! unfortunately I do not have a photo of it so google will do!
@livkern @creating My grandma's apple pie is also my favorite!
@creating #tdc4809 #ds106 It’s not pi day without having some pie!
@NairCinders @creating This is the best way to celebrate!
@creating #tdc4809 #ds106 this was the pie I got at the CRUC after getting vaccinated last year. 2 wins!
@creating #tdc4809 #ds106 Pi chart from a survey of mine !
@creating #ds106 #tdc4809 I found this cool pie day tweet on x. Pie looks delicious and very decorative.
@creating #tdc4809 My favorite pie is from Mom's Apple Pie Bakery in leesburg!! When my parents get this, the pies are gone within 30 minutes!
@creating #tdc4809 #ds106
Eric Likness
@toddconaway @creating Just like Soylent Green, it's people. Its made of PEOPLE (telling stories of course!)
Carson Frank
@creating #tdc4809 #ds106 Pizzaaaaaaaa. yum