We have never have enough color names! Check out this list of Crazy Color Names.
Pick one that appeals to you and colorize a photo with it (if you need help try the Many Tools Colorize Images). Show us your color!

The Canyon is so… tan! Modified from “What a View” flickr photo by cogdogblog https://flickr.com/photos/cogdog/344384924 shared into the public domain using (CC0)
Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4808
This Daily Create has been recycled from previously published ones:
• #tdc2175 Colorize a Photo with a Silly Color (Dec 23, 2017)
Sarah Honeychurch
@creating #tdc4808 #ds106 pink snow heart
Paul Bond
@creating #tdc4808 #ds106 I found a paint store has a color named Sunny Afternoon, so I looked for an image of the Kinks record. Now I wonder, Who had the name first?
Alan Levine
@phb256 @creating aka Kinky Yellow Number Five
@creating #tdc4808 #ds106 I chose the color Blue Bell and decided to turn an entire picture of a bell blue
@creating #tdc4808 made one of my favorite paintings pink!(Claude Monet's Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies)
Carson Frank
@creating #tdc4808 #ds106 For today's Daily Create I chose the color "feather gold"
@creating #tdc4808 #ds106 Burnt Orange
@creating #tdc4808 #ds106We could all use more Purple Pizzazz!
@creating #ds106 #tdc4808 I decided to use pimpin' purple as my color. The idea of pimpin' purple reminds me of the boondocks which is one of my favorite shows.
@creating #tdc4808 purple taylor swift!