From the mind of Kurt Vonnegut (or at least the person writing his tweets). Bring his wish to life for your name.

Shrapnel from France WW1 flickr photo by Tatters ✾ shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4807
This Daily Create has been recycled from previously published ones:
• #tdc2028 What item should be named after you? (Jul 29, 2017)
Sarah Honeychurch
@creating #tdc4807 #ds106 I already have a place named after me (well, my ancestors)
Paul Bond
@creating #tdc4807 #ds106 The word "appall" arose from my long history of inspiring negative emotional reactions. The spelling modernized over time, but that's my claim to fame.
Carson Frank
@creating #tdc4807 #ds106 I drink these way too much for them to not be named after me in any way lol
@creating #tdc4087 With my obsession with indoor plants at the moment I think that this plant (Pink Allusion Arrowhead) looks like if my soul was in a plant
@creating #tdc4807 #ds106 I think a vegetable should be named after me. I love them!
Mae B
@creating #tdc4807 #ds106 What item should be named after you?I loveee fruit smoothies and should definitely have one named after me!!!
@creating #tdc4807 #ds106 Well, as you might have guessed, I already have something named after me. Now back in the day, I never hung out with people who drank hot toddys. We were mostly the any cheap beer kinda fellas. And as you can tell from this advertisement, only men drank the hot toddy. I don't know why that is? Also it was lots of guys in sweaters. Anyways, I guess that is what I'd have named after me. Pretty lucky, eh?
Sarah Honeychurch
@toddconaway @creating are you saying you are hot? 😂
@nomadwarmachine @creating Well, I did get a haircut recently… So maybe?
@creating #tdc4807 #ds106 I think the ice cream sundae should be named after me because I love ice cream and people rarely actually use the word “ice cream sundae”
Alan Levine
@creating #tdc4807 #ds106 my brand name has spread into terrains of dog training
@creating #ds106 #tdc4807 It would be cool if dodge was named after me. It would be similar to how Ford is named after Henry Ford, I love dodge’s cars so having me as the namesake would be an honor.
@creating #tdc4807 Since it's cool to change the name of this anyway smh