How dark is dark? There is this paint called Vantablack, and now there is also Black 3.0, both of which are supposed to absorb 99% of the visible light spectrum. You actually have to see it to believe it. But darkness does not have to be a color or lack thereof. Darkness can be expressed through images or metaphor. Use today’s daily create to describe something dark.
Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4789
This Daily Create has been recycled from previously published ones:
• #tdc2681 #ds106 How Dark? (May 15, 2019)
Sarah Honeychurch
@creating #tdc4789 #ds106 How Dark? Lacey cat looks very dark, but when you look close up she also has white hairs #cats #caturday
catsodon #catsofmastodon
Alan Levine
@creating #ds106 #dailycreate #tdc4789 The darkness over America is much deeper than Vantablack. Even the Luneraians are unsure what they are observing.