Take a photo of yourself in he first or last light of the day, so your shadow is as tall or as long as possible. Try not to make it apparent that your shadow is taking a photo.
An example as inspiration from Bryan Alexander in Mastodon
Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4758
Sarah Honeychurch
@creating #tdc4758 My response for today's #ds106 #DailyCreate No sun today, so here's one I took last summer
Alan Levine
@creating Hey @bryanalexandee You showed up in a #ds106 #dailycreate. (top of thread)
Alan Levine
@creating #tdc4758 Longing for the long shadow. Beware!
Carson Frank
@creating #tdc4758 My response for today's #ds106 #dailycreate was discovering how tall my shadow was on my walk back from class.
John Johnston
@creating #ds106 #tdc4758 #DailyCreate not very long but I like this one from 1st January 2017
@johnjohnston @creating Oooh I like how you included the tree too! It looks like a nice scene for a movie or show
@creating #tds4758 was able to get a photo of my long shadow on the snow!
@creating #tdc4758 #dailycreate #ds106 too long?
Sarah Honeychurch
@Rusul @creating woah! Look at the length of those legs
@creating #tdc4768 as a 4ft 11in person this is the tallest Ive ever been.
@creating #tdc4758 #ds106 Went out when the sun was setting and caught a huge shadow that made my jacket look like a dress
@NairCinders @creating Beautiful Dress 🙂
@creating #tdc4758 #ds106 my longest shadow ft. my friend Lauren
@coni @creating
Your shadow is longer than mine! Nice job
@Rusul @creating Thank you! Sometimes, procrastinating pays off.
Mae B
#tdc4758 #ds106 #dailycreate
This morning on campus.