Oh the verbosity and confidence of the ChatGPT voice, it bellows its own self assured authority. What words ring truest for its outputs?

Jordon Gibbs published his research on Which Words Does ChatGPT Use the Most?  (link to un-paywalled version).

Turns out ChatGPT likes to use certain words at an extreme frequency. As you’ll see in the data below, some of these are shockingly prevalent. I decided to programmatically test these patterns to get to the bottom of what words ChatGPT loves the most.

Below is an image of the most over-prevalent words that GPT uses, e,g, it tends to use “re-imagined” some 1030 times as much  than real human-generated text.

A bar chart showing words on the y axis graphed against Prevalence Factor (How many times more likely GPT will output it), from 120 0 to over 1000 for these words: "reimagined, bioluminescent, verdant, graphene, bustling, cannot, delved, twinkled, tirelessly, intertwines, transcended, repurposed, thrived, marveled, subtlest, interconnectedness, intertwine, inclusivity, orchestrates, revolutionized, intricate, tapestry, advancements, expanse, kaleidoscopic".

Use as many of these words as you can in a human generated sentence (meaning you write it) that proclaims the kaleidoscopic and bustling expanse of bioluminescent interconnectedness….

Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4769

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2 Responses to “#tdc4769 #ds106 Tirelessly Reimagined It Intertwines and Orchestrates an Intricate Tapestry”

  1. maddie_m

    @creating Are we not all intertwined with the intricate and revolutionary aspects of artificial intelligence? The expanse of AI will be repurposed into a kaleidoscopic and transcendental experience that will be marveled at by all.

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